Mini Gang, terrorising Victoria on a Saturday night
Lori Ann, Dale, Moose, Bob, Susan, Deb, Harriet


Parking Lot Murals in Victoria
It's a Wonderful Life, Modern Day Emily Carr as a girl, The artists' family.


Victoria inner harbour


Tricia in Sidney with her stream still gliding at the bottom of her garden


Teatime in Sidney.
Tricia's glorious English tea


Tricia and Susan, crocheting, discussing books, and waiting for Andy to take the picture so we can dig into the chocolates.


My crocheted teacosy, teatime part II


Norman and I head for Quadra Island.
View from Malahat Highway


more Malahat, more view


Courtnay Paleontology Museum. Model of an Elasmosaur skeleton found in the area.
The actual skeleton is directly below, under glass.


Quadra Island. Ferry landing at Quathiaski Cove, by our hostel


Sunset walk at Rebecca Spit. We just missed the whales, we're told.


Rebecca Spit


Rebecca Spit is stunningly lovely


still Rebecca